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Back At It

After missing a few years because life got busy, I'm back at the blog! We built a house and I wrote some more NaNo novels! Okay, I attempted to write them. I didn't make it to the 50K mark, but I wrote, and that's what matters. I've thought lately about some goals for this year after speaking with my sister, who has made some excellent goals for 2018. I'm super jealous of her determination of completing a list of 20 things! Not just one New Year's resolution! As I pondered this, I definitely came up with some writerly goals. Two of which are to finish the edits for my YA fantasy and query it before summer. The other is to revise and edit my 2013 NaNo YA sci-fi, which I adore. As far as personal or family goals, I just want everyone to eat, sleep, and be healthy! So I'm going to try to cook more meals at home and encourage all my little chickens to sleep, myself included (hubs also!). And hopefully return to my fondness for yoga and pilates. I had a frien...

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