That Queasy Feeling

My stomach is all uneasy as I'm putting the final touches on my manuscript. It feels like saying good-bye to a really good friend you know you won't see again for awhile. It's silly. I'm not letting my novel go or deleting it. Good-bye isn't happening. But it feels that way! 

I wasn't expecting to have any emotional outpourings during final edits. Yet, here I am getting some strange feels. I've read where writers say that their novels are like children to them. That unique sense of attachment hasn't presented itself so far, but something like it. I had all sorts of nervous twitterings when I sent my first two kids off to kindergarten. I missed being with them all the time. In a way, sending my manuscript off to agents gives me that same butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling. Except that agents will judge my book worthy of their time or not. Teachers have to take my kids! ;) 

Here's what I've edited during the last spit and shine.

1. Repetitive words 

2. Clunky sentences 
3. Punctuation 
4. Emotional expressions 

I wrote about some fast and easy edits here and 6 tips for a cleaner manuscript here.

How about you? How did you feel sending your manuscript out for the first time? Do you have a short list for final edits? 

Happy reading and writing! :) 


  1. I totally know what you mean about that hollow feeling you get when you put the last touches on your manuscript and start a new project. I went through a mini depression after finishing my last novel. It took me a few weeks to recognize what had me so blue. These characters are so real to us, we spend hours of time with them daily, so when we say goodbye, it's like saying farewell to a best friend as they move across the country. Great post! :)

    1. Thanks, Marlana! You totally understand the feeling! So glad I'm not alone!! :)


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